Reimagining Content for Awards Ceremonies

Award ceremonies have long been a staple of many industries, a night of glitz and glamour where achievements are celebrated and champions are crowned.

Yet, amidst the sparkle and fanfare, a sense of repetition has crept in, a familiarity in the way these success stories are told.

It is time to address the elephant in the room: standard award ceremony content has become somewhat predictable. But there is a powerful tool capable of reinvigorating this space – first-person perspective storytelling.

First-person storytelling is not just a narrative technique; it is a gateway to greater connection with the subject. It can place the power of the narrative in the hands of those who truly own it – in the case of awards ceremonies, the nominees or those who nominated them.

This approach is not about embellishing the truth; it is about honesty, transparency and credibility  - giving a voice to the real experiences and emotions of the individuals at the heart of sport.

At Goal Click, we understand the impact of this approach, and in UK Sport we found a partner who saw the opportunity to reimagine their PLx 2023 Awards content.

UK Sport’s bold vision enabled us to break away from the traditional mould and delve deeper into the lives of the 19 award nominees by turning to the people who knew them best – their nominators.

This was not about creating content for content’s sake. It was about capturing the raw, unfiltered essence of each nominee's journey, narrated by those who have been part of their story.

We did this in a hugely efficient way, both in terms of cost and sustainability. No expensive, large-scale shoots requiring crews to travel the length and breadth of the country.

This was about utilising smartphones and Goal Click cameras, and guiding the nominators to capture authentic, self-shot content that allowed us to present a side of the award nominees rarely seen at conventional awards events.

The final content was curated and edited with care, creating a narrative that painted a vivid picture of each nominee's path to excellence.

The impact?

The PLx 2023 Awards Ceremony received widespread acclaim from UK Sport stakeholders and National Governing Bodies for its novel approach.

But it was not just about the applause; it was also about the tangible results.

The content was amongst UK Sport’s most engaging on social media during 2023.

However, this approach is not about being the loudest in the room; it is about letting the stories speak for themselves.

In a world that often favours spectacle over substance, first-person perspective storytelling in award ceremonies is a reminder that at the core of every trophy, every accolade, there is a human story waiting to be told.

It is these stories that resonate, that stay with us long after the lights of the ceremony have dimmed.

Dan Tunna

Beyond The Click: Perspectives on storytelling, sport, and the search for global understanding.


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