New Talents And New Lives

Vava, Malawi

Ascent Soccer is a social impact organization with bases in Malawi and Uganda, transforming the lives of young men and women in some of East Africa’s poorest countries by providing opportunities for comprehensive education, critical life skills and character development - combined with world-class player development.  Ascent Soccer starts at the grassroots, inspiring and nurturing talented girls and boys. Ascent Soccer has been involved in soccer at Dzaleka refugee camp since 2016, hosting a number of matches and tournaments at the refugee camp as well as running coach education workshops for coaches based there.

Can you tell us your personal story?

My name is Vava and I am 16 years old. I was born in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and lived there until the age of 11. When they killed my father in the fighting, my uncle recommended that me, my 8 brothers and sisters and my mother should leave DRC and move to Malawi for safety. Before I came to Malawi, I played football for a club called Kajeada in Goma.

What did you try to show with these photos?

These are the players of Young Talents football team in Dzaleka refugee camp in Dowa, Malawi. The boys and girls come from the DRC, Burundi, Rwanda and Tanzania. I was trying to show how children live their day-to-day life at Dzaleka - football is a big part of everyone’s life.

Why is football important for you and your community?

Football is important to me as I feel it is the only way I can help my family and community. I also love interacting with others and football helps me meet new people.

How has Ascent changed your life?

Ascent has changed my life for the better by giving me shelter, food and schooling. Football is a huge part of my life and it means absolutely everything to me.

Do you play football with any Malawians?

I play football for Ascent soccer academy where every player apart from me is from Malawi. Malawian people are very nice, especially all my teammates.

What ambitions do you have for your future?

My ambition is to become a professional football player and help my home country - by building better hospitals to help my local community in the DRC.


Goal Click Refugees is an ongoing project collaborating with refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced people from around the world. 

Created in partnership with UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency, our ambition is to highlight the important role football can play in rebuilding the lives of displaced people and supporting integration into host communities.


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