Undeniable Passion

Qinthara Nabigha, Indonesia

My name is Qinthara, a 28-year-old football coach and instructor residing in Jakarta. My passion for football has been ingrained in me since childhood, a time when it was not common for girls to play in my locality. I felt left behind. Fortunately, my parents were exceptionally supportive, playing a pivotal role in shaping the person I am today. It feels wonderful to have supportive parents; I know I would not be where I am today without them.

I have traversed a journey from being an athlete to a coach and currently find myself employed in the sports industry. I used to play every day, but now that I am working I play at least once a week. I previously worked at a top broadcasting company in Indonesia, serving as a sports partnership specialist. I dealt with sports clients, including organizations, competitions, and clubs that wanted to air their programs on our platform.

What has your football journey been like up until now?

My involvement in football commenced during my childhood when I joined the only girls' futsal team in my town. Coincidentally, the team was under the leadership of a prominent figure in the futsal industry. Our competitive endeavors spanned across Indonesia, eventually leading to my selection to participate in the Women's Futsal Professional League, a significant milestone that garnered television coverage. I never imagined I would be playing in the top league of the country, especially since football began as just a hobby.

Subsequently, an opportunity arose with ASAF (Asian Sports Academy Foundation), who were seeking female coaches for school children's training sessions. Initially hesitant and feeling nervous, as my background had primarily been as a player, my mother's encouragement spurred me to take on the coaching role. In retrospect, her guidance proved invaluable. ASAF not only facilitated my transition from player to coach but also gave me essential skills for making a meaningful impact on players' lives.

Presently, I hold the position of a Senior Instructor at ASAF, affording me the privilege to travel extensively across Indonesia. I coach children and serve as an instructor at workshops organized by ASAF. This role enables me to contribute to football-for-social-good projects, delivering valuable coaching insights to coaches, players, and referees in various rural locations. The journey from a player to a coach and now as a senior instructor has been transformative, shaped by the support of my family and the opportunities presented by ASAF.

What did you try to show with the photos? Was there any wider meaning with the photos?

This collection of photos scattered across Indonesia encapsulates the essence that everyone, regardless of their location, deserves the right to play and should be afforded the opportunity to do so. The ASAF Inclusive Football for Good project on the remote island of Sumbawa requires an extensive journey involving a long drive and ferry ride. This emphasizes the commitment to ensuring that the joy of playing knows no geographical bounds.

Another poignant photo depicts a scene in Marunda for the FIFA Foundation-supported ASAF program. This was in a slum community, where football serves as a tool for instilling positive character traits in children. The power of the sport fosters valuable life skills within challenging environments.

The series is completed by random encounters with a ball, reinforcing the notion that football transcends boundaries. The sport can create friendships, forge new connections, and promote togetherness. The universal language of football unites people regardless of their backgrounds or identities.

What is your favourite photo? Why? 

One photo holds special significance for me. It beautifully captures a husband and wife sharing the same field, engaging in soccer - an activity not commonly associated with women and girls in Sumbawa - for the ASAF project. Witnessing this scene is a testament to the positive impact of our project, as it has successfully encouraged increased participation from girls and women in the community. It is a heartening portrayal of a family united through the joy of playing soccer together, underscoring the transformative nature of sports in breaking traditional barriers and fostering inclusivity within communities.

What impact has playing football had on you?

The influence of football on my life has been profound, shaping me into the person I am today. Through the sport, I have had the privilege to travel, explore the world, and cultivate an open-minded perspective. The experiences of meeting diverse individuals and encountering different cultures have played a pivotal role in building my character. 

Most of my trips were funded by attending workshops as a participant, guest speaker, or coach. I have traveled to 90% of Asian countries, the USA, and Australia. My most memorable trip was to the USA, the farthest I have been from home. I had the opportunity to meet various sports practitioners, visit clubs, and watch MLS games live. This experience allowed me to learn about the football industry and culture in the USA, which is vastly different from my own.

While I was passionate in the early stages of my journey, the continuous engagement with football has been instrumental in my personal growth and development. Football has provided me with opportunities for self-discovery and a broader understanding of the world and its myriad possibilities.

Growing up in Indonesia, it was always difficult to be someone who only liked sports, as sports is considered a side job here. I was always confused about what I wanted to be when I grew up, knowing only that I wanted to work in the sports sector. Choosing a major for my bachelor's degree was challenging because, in Indonesia, a sports degree typically leads to a career as a physical education teacher, which did not appeal to me.

I knew I loved sports, but becoming a professional footballer or coach was not a viable way to make a living here especially for women. Being stuck in a 9-to-5 job felt stifling. That is why ASAF has been a real release for me, allowing me to earn side hustle money through sports.

What are the opportunities for women and girls to play in your community?

The landscape has evolved significantly over time, with a notable increase in the involvement of girls in football. The initiation of the women's professional league in 2019 marked a pivotal moment for female participation in the sport. Organizations like ASAF have played a crucial role in this transformation, such as undertaking projects dedicated to developing girls' teams and starting a girls' league with the Sumbawa project. These endeavors reflect a commitment to promoting inclusivity and providing equal opportunities for girls to engage and thrive in the world of football.

What role does football play in your community and in Indonesia?

Indonesia boasts an immense population of fervent football enthusiasts. The passion for football runs deep in our culture, and despite the challenges and infrequent victories, the love for the sport remains an intrinsic part of our collective identity. It is a cultural phenomenon that transcends mere wins and losses; rather, it is a fervor ingrained in our blood. There is an enduring and unwavering connection between the Indonesian people and the beautiful game.

What is the future for football in Indonesia? 

While our passion for football in Indonesia is undeniable, there is room for improvement in terms of the national team's performance. Currently, we have a highly capable national team coach, which is a positive step forward. However, with effective management and robust support from the football federation, we can elevate our team's impact even further. 

Proper management combined with strong backing can contribute significantly to the team's success, creating an environment conducive to achieving greater milestones on the international stage. It is important to have a holistic approach to football development that goes beyond coaching to encompass comprehensive support systems for sustained success.

What does football mean to you? What ambitions do you have for the future?

Football is more than just a game; it is an integral part of my life and identity. I firmly believe that without football, I would not be the person I am today. It has been a guiding force, providing me with purpose and direction. The prospect of a future without football feels inconceivable; it is the anchor that keeps me grounded. 

Moving forward, my commitment to the sport extends beyond personal enjoyment. I aspire to continue playing and contributing to the football industry, particularly in rural areas, where I can emphasize the significance of football as a catalyst for positive social change and a lasting impact on communities.

Goal Click Originals

We find real people from around the world to tell stories about their football lives and communities. Sharing the most compelling stories, from civil war amputees in Sierra Leone and football fans in Argentina, to women’s football teams in Pakistan and Nepal. We give people the power, freedom and control to tell their own story. Showing what football means to them, their community and their country.


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