A New York Soccer Life

Asha Lewis, United States

Asha plays for Downtown United Soccer Club (DUSC), a non-profit youth soccer organization devoted to player development and making the game more accessible in New York City.

Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your soccer journey?

My name is Asha Lewis, I am 17, and go to school on the Upper West Side in NYC! My soccer journey first started around the age of three, playing in my neighborhood at Morningside Park with a program called “Super Soccer Stars.” 

Growing up I was very athletic and played a lot of sports. I did activities like martial arts and ballet, but as I got older, I narrowed my focus down to soccer. When I started, I was often the only girl out there, which was fine because everyone was still learning and there was no official team. Coaches noticed that I stood out and suggested I begin to play on a travel team. 

When I was seven, the first travel team I joined practiced on Randalls Island. This was a huge step for me. A travel team is a step up from a regular or recreational team. You travel to compete and it is usually at a higher level of play! At the beginning I was really nervous and doubted myself, but as time went on, I can now recall those years being the most fun. Especially playing futsal. 

Around the age of ten, I joined a new club, Downtown United Soccer Club (DUSC). When I first started at DUSC I was again nervous, but eventually my teammates started to warm up to me. I can officially say that I truly love the environment and am proud of the accomplishments DUSC has allowed me to make within the club and outside of it.

At DUSC I have become “GA Team Representative” - in the Girls Academy League, players from each team are chosen by their coaches to represent the team on the Player Advisory Board. I was also able to play in the Olympic Development Program, a national program where I played for the NY Eastern Region. I moved through that program and was invited to play at the Regional Camp (East Coast) over the summer.  

Overall, DUSC has given me the opportunity to become a great player and compete at the highest level I can!

What did you try to show with the photos? Was there any wider meaning with the photos?

The people in these photos range from my teammates to referees. In some you might even spot a professional player. These photos were taken at tournaments, training, post practice, NJ/NY Gotham FC games, and I also wanted to highlight the various ways to get to practice around the city. 

I tried to display what it is like at my practices, and overall what it’s like growing up in New York City playing soccer and traveling across the country to do so. It’s kind of an inside look into what life is like for me, because soccer is such a huge part of it!

There is also a photo from the Bay Area at a field in Albany, California. I guess I could consider Albany as my second home because besides NYC, I find myself there the most. I was practicing with my cousin Chase. We always have the best time together when we play. He has taught me so much and has motivated me to play when some days I just feel like sleeping. 

My family means so much to me and has done a lot for me during my athletic journey. My mom and dad never miss a game and always support me with what I need. They motivate me, and care about my love for the game, which is something I couldn't be more thankful for.

What are your favorite photos? Why?

I really like the photo of my team boarding a ferry to get to practice located on Governors Island. To me this is a very unique experience of just getting to a regular weekly practice in NYC. 

In NYC, it is very difficult to get field space as we live in a city that is so compact. Of course, many people want to play soccer and so do other programs throughout the city. Getting a permit is tough. Governors Island, although a trek, has open field space! 

The second photo I love is of a field at a school in my Harlem neighborhood. I always find myself training there, and have been playing there ever since I was young. My neighborhood means a lot to me and has shaped who I am as a person and a player.

What impact has DUSC and playing soccer had on you?

For me soccer has always been something that I can have whenever I want to escape from something irritating that hasn't left my brain all day. It has been an outlet for me in multiple ways. Whenever I play soccer I seem to forget about daily stressors and can just hyperfocus on the game and environment around me. And of course, DUSC has given me the opportunity to do that.

How does taking part in DUSC make you feel? What do you like most?

Being a part of DUSC has been a great experience. The club has given me so many opportunities to get better. Every time I go to practice, I know I improve in some way. With this, I have to focus my attention on the competitive and friendly environment around me, which is probably my favorite part. Seeing my teammates every day who make me laugh and smile makes playing so much more competitive and enjoyable. I will always love Pier 40, which is our home field. The view and location is amazing and there is always a sense of comfort whenever I am there.

What are the opportunities for girls to play in your community and in New York?

In New York there are opportunities for girls to play within many clubs across the state and in the city. Depending on the club, there may be more girl teams or more boy teams. Growing up, the club I first played with didn't really have a strong girls program and more attention was given to the boys program, which is why I came to DUSC. So I would definitely say some programs are stronger than others, but DUSC definitely values its girls program a lot.

What are your ambitions for the future?

In the future I hope I can always stay connected with the game and continue to play at some level. I certainly hope I can continue my journey in college and at the highest level possible for me, but beyond all of that, just staying connected with the game is the most important thing to me.

What do you think the future looks like for soccer in New York and the USA? What would you like to change?

I think the future for soccer in the USA seems bright, even by just looking at the younger age groups within DUSC. If I could, I would love to eliminate any inequality or discrimination in any way within the game and instead, keep it as a game that unites and brings people together.

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Soccer Dreams At Pier 40


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