Nothing Is Impossible

 Adela Rezaei, Leicester

To mark Football Welcomes month, Goal Click teamed up with Amnesty International UK for a special series telling stories from refugees across the country through football. Now in its fifth year, Football Welcomes, supported by players of the People’s Postcode Lottery, celebrates the contribution players from a refugee background make to the game, and highlights the role football can play in creating more welcoming communities for refugees.

We worked with five partners of the Football Welcomes Community Project - Leicester City in the Community, Liverpool County FA, Middlesbrough FC Foundation, Aston Villa Foundation, and Club Doncaster Foundation.

In Leicester, our storyteller was Adela Rezaei, originally from Afghanistan. Leicester City in the Community partners with After18, a charity which specialises in supporting unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young refugees under 25 to adjust to living in the UK.

I am Adela Rezaei. I am 20 years old. I am originally from Afghanistan and grew up there. I have been living in Leicester for almost five years. I am studying at WQE College in Leicester. This year I am doing my first year of A Levels. I play football with my sister twice a week. Sometimes I play with my two brothers. Leicester City is my favourite team and I definitely support them!

What did you try to show with the photos? Was there any wider meaning with the photos?

I took photos of my sister in our garden and in the park next to my house. The main purpose was to show that a woman or girl also has the ability to play football. I was also showing what a hard situation it is for a girl to play football in a different society. There is a lack of facilities, lack of security, and other hard conditions for girls and women.

I wanted to specifically show that girls and women from different backgrounds love football and playing football even without facilities. Interest is more important than having excellent facilities. I wanted to show that nothing is impossible, and women can play football. Some people think women cannot play. If playing football is an aim for us, we can achieve it. Even if we do not know the technique of playing, by working hard we can be in a better position.

Having big aims and goals can help us achieve big things. Football is like a road. When we choose which way we are going, then we can move our way and achieve our goal. 

When and why did you start playing football? 

I myself started playing football two years ago when I joined the After18 group. The reason why I started playing football was to show my ability, play in a group, and learn from others. I like playing in a team.

What role does football play in your life at the moment?

Football has a very strong role in my life. I can play my favourite sport, have good experiences, and learn new things. Playing in a team and playing football helped me find new friends and meet people with experience of being professional.

How important is football in the community you live in?

In my community football is one of the most important sports for boys and girls. Fortunately, nowadays we have teams for both girls and boys. Any football lover can join in and start learning football.

What ambitions do you have for the future?

My ambition for the future is to get more confident in playing football and help coach other girls and women who love playing football.

Goal Click Originals

We find real people from around the world to tell stories about their football lives and communities. Sharing the most compelling stories, from civil war amputees in Sierra Leone and football fans in Argentina, to women’s football teams in Pakistan and Nepal. We give people the power, freedom and control to tell their own story. Showing what football means to them, their community and their country.


Football: A Common Language